The new scramble for Africa
This article describes how global powers and corporations are competing for Africa`s resources and influence, ....
- Dr.Ibrahim Karsany,
- Tuesday, 10th December, 2024
The Department of Global Affairs at b’huth looks at major strategic shifts at the international level and the most prominent issues that represent top priorities in international cooperation, global security, international economic and political alliances and blocs.
The department also provides analyses and expectations about strategic shifts at the international level and their expected impact on the state's local policies and regional relations.
This article describes how global powers and corporations are competing for Africa`s resources and influence, ....
The article discusses how Gulf states have moved away from relying heavily on the U.S. during Biden’s ....
The BRICS+ bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and allies) aspires to create global institutions ....
The Quincy Pact (1945) established US-Gulf relations based on "oil for security." With US energy independence ....